School News
School News
26 Sep, 2015
10 : 00
Invited by Yew Chung Fellows-in-Residence Division and YALC, renowned Italian violinist Marco Terlizzi and pianist Raffaele Terlizzi visited YCIS Hong Kong from September 23 to 26. Besides being professors at the “V. Bellini” Conservatory of Music Catania Italy, the Terlizzi brothers have performed throughout the world and have given many masterclasses in world famous music conservatories. A famous review once said, “The Terlizzi brothers manifest a poetic sensitive nature, a strong temperament and an enchanting capacity of communicating.”
During the four-day visit to Yew Chung, the Terlizzi brothers gave three days of violin and piano masterclasses for Primary and Secondary students which greatly benefitted the students’ understanding of musical styles. On the last day of their visit, the Terlizzi brothers held a wonderful violin-piano duet concert at the YCIS Hong Kong Secondary auditorium which was very successful. Professor Marco Terlizzi said that he and Raffaele were very impressed by this visit to Yew Chung.